Mass spectrometric detection of complex lipids in calcified aortic valves

Project term

03/2023 - 09/2024

Granted budget

€ 25,000

Research resource used

Resource tissue samples


Aortic valve calcification, sphingolipids, ceramides, lipotoxicity

Principal Investigator

Elias Rawish, Christian Frerker (Medical Clinic II, UKSH Lübeck Campus)

Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is the most common valvular heart disease requiring treatment in the western world.

In Germany alone, up to 900,000 patients are affected. CAVD is often diagnosed late, when patients experience symptoms. About half of the patients die within 24 months. Furthermore, no drug therapy can slow down the progression of CAVD. Against this background, the present project aims to investigate new pathophysiological approaches to calcifying CAVD to improve the diagnosis and treatment of affected individuals. The focus will be on complex lipids (fats), which have pro-inflammatory properties in the context of atherosclerosis. In contrast, the role of complex lipids in calcifying CAVD is unknown. Therefore, the present project aims to analyze complex lipids in the blood of patients with CAVD to identify a novel risk biomarkers. Furthermore, complex lipids in calcified human valve material will be investigated to shed light on the role of lipotoxicity in the pathogenesis of CAVD and to evaluate new therapeutic approaches for CAVD.


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