Identification of circulatory proteins reflecting myocardial processes relevant to disease progression in heart failure

Exploration of molecular fingerprints of patients with heart failure provides a promising approach to better understand mechanisms relevant for the development and progression of the disease.

 - Identification of circulatory proteins reflecting myocardial processes relevant to disease progression in heart failure

The present projects aims to analyse individuals with heart failure with a targeted proteomics approach allowing characterization of a large panel of proteomic biomarkers (N=359) in blood and tissue samples. The project offers the opportunity offers the opportunity to investigate cardiac tissue specific expression patterns and their relation to the circulatory protein profile in heart failure patients. It will be analysed whether relevant local tissue protein signatures are reflected by the circulatory proteome. Artificial intelligence with supervised machine learning will be applied to discover expression patterns of interest. By using a translational approach this information will subsequently integrated to the database of the MyoVasc study (N=3,289; NCT04064450) allowing to decipher specific proteomic signatures involved in the development and progression of the heart failure syndrome.


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Project Term
11/2021 - 11/2022
Granted Budget
€ 39.774
Research resource used
Resource tissue samples
Heart failure, targeted proteomics, systems medicine, machine learning