
How to Prepare Your TRP Proposal

The video explains how the DZHK supports you in preparing your application for a Translational Research Project (TRP).

Physical activity: the key to lifelong health

DZHK researcher Prof. Dr. Martin Halle from the Centre for Prevention and Sports Medicine at the TU Munich explains why exercise is so important for a healthy life, even if you suffer from heart disease. In the 5th episode of the DZHK video series, he sets a good example by taking the stairs.

DZHK makes possible what patients need

Professor Stefanie Dimmeler explains, how The German Center for Cardiovascular Disease (DZHK) brings scientifically innovative concepts to the patients's bed.

Prospective rather than retrospective – How patients benefit from prospective studies

The Biostatistician Prof. Karl Wegscheider explains how patients benefit prom prospektive studies and why retrospektive studies are not conducted at the DZHK.

Elevating Science: Clinical studies – News career paths for young scientists

In the second part of our series "Elevating Science" Professor Frank Edelmann, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, explains the engagements of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research to provide optimal structures for young scientists. 

First DZHK video online

We have published the first video in our series ELEVATING SCIENCE. Prof. Thomas Eschenhagen, Chairman of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research, explains in our virtual elevator why research results often don't reach the patient - and how the DZHK wants to change this.