Scientific Committees

Research Coordinating Committee (RCC)

The Research Coordinating Committee (RCC) is responsible for the scientific strategy of the DZHK. It develops ideas, addresses strategy-relevant issues and prepares all matters for the General Assembly. The RCC meets monthly and comprises the Board of Directors, the partner site speakers, representatives from each partner institution and a representative of the Young-DZHK. Several permanent guests represent important DZHK-activities such as the Clinical Research Platform.

RCC members

Translational Research Group (TRG)

To get translation projects off the ground within the context of the DZHK research strategy, the DZHK has established a Translational Research Group (TRG), which also contains external researchers. The TRG provides guidance and support for translational research projects in the initial phase. Its tasks also include aspects of commercialisation, the assessment of translational research proposals and the preparation of decisions in the DZHK bodies. Along with this, the TRG combines and expands the knowledge base for the development of new therapeutic principles within the DZHK.

Members of the TRG (listed alphabetically):

  • Brandes, Ralf | Rhine Main
  • Cousins, Richard
  • Eschenhagen, Thomas | Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck (spokesperson)
  • Fielitz, Jens | Greifswald
  • Gorczynski, Richard
  • Hirsch, Emilio
  • Konietschke, Frank | Berlin
  • Ruiz-Lozano, Pilar (deputy spokesperson)
  • Schroeder, Marie Allen

Clinical Study Group (CSG)

The Clinical Study Group CSG consists of DZHK external and internal members. It advises the board and the RCC (in delegation for the General Assembly) on the selection and controlling of the funded clinical trials.

Members of the CSG (listed alphabetically):

  • de Boer, Rudolf | Rotterdam, NL
  • Condorelli, Gianluigi | Mailand, IT
  • Kääb, Stefan | Munich (representative of the WGCR)
  • Klotsche, Jens | Berlin
  • Kraus, Monika | Munich (representative of the WGCR)
  • Mallat, Ziad | Cambridge (spokesperson)
  • Mansmann, Ulrich | Munich
  • N.N.
  • Windecker, Stephan| Bern, CH (deputy spokesperson)
  • Zapf, Antonia | Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck

Working Group Clinical Research (WGCR)

The Working Group Clinical Research (WGCR) facilitates the exchange between principal investigators of DZHK studies, co-operation partners of the Clinical Research Platform and study centres (Clinical Staff) in order to promote patient enrolment in DZHK studies, to ensure quality standards or to optimize clinical research workflows. The WGCR is thus a working committee and decision-making body for the DZHK rules and regulations in the clinical field.

WGCR members

Use and Access Committee (UAC)

Considering the high scientific value of the DZHK Heart Bank and the stringent requirements around patient rights, applications for access to data and biospecimen of the DZHK Heart Bank will be evaluated according to their scientific objective and potential benefit. The independent Use and Access Committee (UAC) takes over these tasks according to transparent criteria according to the DZHK Use and Access Policy. Representatives of each DZHK partner site, biobank, ethics and statistics experts, as well as external consultants have been appointed to the committee.

Members of the Use and Access Committee:

Representatives of partner sites

  • Kayvanpour, Elham | Heidelberg/Mannheim
  • Teumer, Alexander | Greifswald
  • Edelmann, Frank | Berlin
  • Kääb, Stefan | Munich
  • Sandek, Anja | Göttingen
  • Toprak, Betül | Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck
  • Wild, Philipp | RhineMain

Representatives in fields of expertise

  • Leha, Andreas | Göttingen
  • Mansmann, Ulrich | Munich
  • N.N.
  • Zeller, Tanja | Hamburg
  • Rapp, Steffen | Mainz

DZHK Professorships

see DZHK professorships

Young DZHK Postdoc Committee

see Young-DZHK