Clinical Research Platform (CRP)

The Clinical Research Platform (CRP) of the DZHK consists of IT infrastructures, processes and rules, which form the framework for all clinical studies of the DZHK. All studies financed by the DZHK are required to use this platform. This is to ensure that data and samples are collected in a standardised way to enable subsequent use of the platform for research questions that go beyond the actual study objective.

This results in a valuable collection of cardiovascular data and samples that are available to all researchers worldwide.

The Clinical Research Platform at a Glance

  1. Standardised Data Collection
    Data and biosamples are collected standardised according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) by all participating study centres.
  2. Ethics Concept
    A uniform ethics concept in the DZHK regulates what may be done with the data and samples, how patients are informed and what possibilities they have to withdraw their consent.
  3. Pseudonymisation
    The personal identifying data is stored by our Trusted Third Party office in Greifswald under a pseudonym so that no conclusions can be drawn about individuals.
  4. Central Data Storage
    Clinical data are stored centrally in a data base in Göttingen.
  5. Decentralized Biobank
    The biosamples from our trials are stored under standardised conditions at the facilities that collect them. Data are stored in Greifswald.
  6. Image Data Management System
    Image data from cardiac examinations are stored centrally and with automatic quality checks in the TrialComplete data management system.
  7. Data and Sample Collection
    The standardised aquisition of data from all DZHK studies results in a collection that is available to scientists worldwide for future research.
  8. Transfer Office
    The transfer office brings together clinical data as well as biosamples and image data and makes them available to scientists.
  9. Use and Access Policy
    The policy governs the transfer of data to interested scientists. It is the responsibility of the Use & Access Committee.
  10. Data Protection
    A harmonized data protection concept according to the highest standards ensures the security of all data.