To create and submit applications for use of data (clinical data, imaging data, Omics data) and/or biospecimens, please proceed as follows:
What you need to consider before submitting an application
Step 1 - Check out our Use and Access Policy.
Step 2 - Get an overview of the different resources available and daa (clinical data, imaging data, OMICs data) and/or biospecimen they contain. Select the appropriate resource(s) to answer your research question.
How to Apply
Step 3 - Fill in the application form.
Step 4 - Fill in the subform(s). The subforms contain specifications for the respective DZHK Heart Bank resource.
Step 5 - Fill in the specification lists if you want to use the resource with liquid specimen and image data. You can get an overview of available data in the Feasibility Explorer and a detailed description with the Data Catalogue.
Step 6 - Combine all forms into one application and submit everything to the Use and Access Office by e-mail.
Submission Deadlines
Requests for use can be submitted on a continuous basis. Review always takes place on the 15th of the month. Only complete applications can enter the further Use and Access process.
What Happens After Submission
After submission, usage requests are first checked for formal criteria by the Use and Access Office and then passed on to the DZHK transfer office for the collective check of available data and biosamples. This availability statement is then evaluated together with the respective application for use by the Use and Access Committee and a recommendation is made.
What to consider for release and shipment of biospecimens
Please follow the instructions for the release and shipping process of biospecimens as described in DZHK-SOP-P-03 Release and Shipping of Biospecimens for Secondary Use Projects; valid for DZHK Clinical Study Units.
Download DZHK-SOP-P-03 Release of biospecimens for secondary use projects V1.2