To create and submit applications for use of data (clinical data, imaging data, Omics data) and/or biospecimens, please proceed as follows:
What you need to consider before submitting an application
Step 1 - Check out our Use and Access Policy.
Step 2 - Get an overview of the different available entities (clinical data, imaging data, biosignals, molecular date from DNA and RNA, liquid biospecimen and tissue). You can also get an overview in the Feasibility Explorer and a detailed description with the Data Catalogue.
Step 3 - Select the appropriate entities to answer your research question.
How to Apply
Step 4 - Fill in the forms provided.
Step 5 - Submit everything to the Use and Access Office by e-mail.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.
Submission Deadlines
Requests for use can be submitted on a continuous basis. Only complete application documents can be evaluated by the Use and Access Committee of the DZHK and a recommendation made.