NAPKON powered by DZHK

NAPKON (National Pandemic Cohort Network) is a project of the University Medicine Network in the fight against the Corona pandemic.
The NAPKON cohort studies make use of the Clinical Research Platform of the DZHK in the initial phase. It enables the standardized and quality-assured collection of data and samples, as well as their later use for more advanced research questions. The DZHK and the projects of the research platform are thus directly involved in all processes related to data acquisition within NAPKON. Further information for clinics on how to prepare for recruitment is available at:
Press releases:
Cardiovascular science provided the blueprint for university Covid-19 research
DZHK press release, 28.12.2021
DZHK stellt Dateninfrastruktur für Coronaforschung bereit (German only)
DZHK press release, 13.11.2020
Deutsche Universitätskliniken schaffen neue Basis für Coronaforschung (German only)
Joint press release of the University Hospital Frankfurt, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the German Center for Cardiovascular Research, 11.11.2020