IPSC-EHT transplantation for cardiac repair – towards first-in-patient

The mortality rate of patients with end-stage heart failure is high, while treatment options are very limited. The availability of cardiomyocytes, which are obtained from induced pluripotent stem cells, makes it possible to culture artificial heart muscles, which can be used in allogenic transplantation.

IPSC-EHT transplantation for cardiac repair – towards first-in-patient

It was demonstrated in a guinea-pig myocardial infarction model that the engineered heart tissue (EHT) grows on ailing hearts and improves cardiac function. This project intends to determine the minimal effective dose/size of the engineered heart tissue, and study the growth of artificial cells and the size of the engineered heart tissue. Lastly, the trials will be repeated using a porcine animal model.

As a result of the project and for the further development of the artificial heart tissue up to clinical application, the working group has entered into a cooperation with the company Evotec. (press release: [DZHK-Forschungsgruppe kooperiert mit Evotec bei der Entwicklung von künstlichem Herzgewebe](https://dzhk.de/das-dzhk/presse/artikel/dzhk-forschungsgruppe-kooperiert-mit-evotec-bei-der-entwicklung-von-kuenstlichem-herzgewebe/), 15.3.2021)

Project Term
2016 - 2021
Granted Budget
€ 1.412.381
heart failure
Therapeutic Principle
Tissue engineering
Principal Investigator
Thomas Eschenhagen, Arne Hansen (University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf)