
May 2021

Fasting alters the gut microbiome reducing blood pressure and body weight in metabolic syndrome patients. nature communications 2021. DZHK authors:…

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Spezialanzug soll Patienten mit Herzschwäche helfen

Alltägliche Bewegungen wie Aufstehen oder Treppensteigen fallen Menschen mit chronischer Herzschwäche, auch Herzinsuffizienz genannt, mit der Zeit…

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First controlled study shows: Losing weight improves outcomes of catheter ablation (Study SORT-AF)

Atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder, does not come back as quickly in obese people if they lose weight after catheter ablation, which…

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Too much salt suppresses phagocytes

It has been known for some time that salt not only drives up blood pressure, but can also throw the immune system out of balance. Now scientists have…

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Portrait Daniela Panáková: How the heart gets its shape

The DZHK supports women in research during the particularly challenging phase of life when they are caring for children and at the same time laying…

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