
German Center for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine enters the start-up phase as the new German Center for Health Research

The German Center for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DZKJ) will become a new partner of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) from June 1,…

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Signatures of heart attack

Improving the outcome of patients after a heart attack is one of the major challenges of cardiology. This includes a comprehensive understanding of…

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Neues präzises Instrument zur Erforschung von Herzmuskelerkrankungen

Ein innovatives Werkzeug zur gezielten Veränderung der Genaktivität in Herzmuskelzellen könnte sich als Standardmethode für die Erforschung von…

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Health study: low social status increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

People with a high level of education and a good job often have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, as a recent study from Mainz shows. What is…

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