Randomised placebo controlled clinical trial of efficacy of MYOcardial protection in patients with postacute inFLAMmatory cardiac involvEment due to COVID-19 (MYOFLAME-19)

After COVID-19, symptoms due to changes in the cardiovascular system often persist for weeks. These include exercise intolerance, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, pulling or burning pains in the chest and palpitations. These symptoms occur regardless of pre-existing heart disease or underlying conditions.

There is currently no standard treatment for these complaints.

This phase III study is investigating whether early combined cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory therapy in patients with long COVID and persistent cardiac symptoms, as well as signs of subclinical inflammation on cardiac MRI, leads to a reduction in symptoms and inflammatory myocardial damage and, in the long term, to less development of heart failure. The funding is provided by Bayer AG and the CRO is Alcedis GMBH. The sponsor of this IIT study is Goethe University Frankfurt.
To participate in the study, please contact: registration@myoflame.com

MYOFLAME-19 - Randomised placebo controlled clinical trial of efficacy of MYOcardial protection in patients with postacute inFLAMmatory cardiac involvEment due to COVID-19 (MYOFLAME-19)

Principal Investigators

Principal investigator: Valentina Puntmann (Frankfurt), Co-PI: Eike Nagel (Frankfurt), Inga Voges (Kiel), Marcus Dörr (Greifswald), Dietrich Beitzke (Wien)

Study information

Recruiting status
Recruiting ongoing
Recruitment start
Clinical Trials Registrierung


DZHK Funding
DZHK-assoziierte Studie (keine finanzielle Förderung)

Operative contact
Valentina Puntmann, MD
Phone: 069-6301-86115
Email: valentina.puntmann@myoflame.com