Project database

1684 - 1692 (out of 1701)
Last updated on 21.01.2025

Large language models for German clinical routine text annotation in the cardiovascular domain

ID 81X4500136
Institution Universität Heidelberg
Project leader Phillip Richter-Pechanski
Site Heidelberg/Mannheim
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE222)
Funding € 34.742,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2026

Cell-specific role of the clonal hematopoiesis driver gene EZH2 in the context of ischemic heart failure

ID 81X4710104
Institution Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Project leader Edzard Schwedhelm
Site Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE057)
Funding € 15.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 31.03.2026

Microbiota-derived metabolites in the intestinal mucosa microenvironment as risk factor for CVD

ID 81X2200170
Institution Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Project leader Ingrid Fleming
Site RheinMain
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE178)
Funding € 43.800,00
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.08.2025

Consensus transcriptional landscape of cardiac cells during heart failure

ID 81X4500130
Institution Universität Heidelberg
Project leader Julio Saez-Rodriguez
Site Heidelberg/Mannheim
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Partner (SE006)
Funding € 26.400,00
Begin 01.09.2024
End 28.02.2026

Functional characterization of upstream open reading frame (uORF)-encoded microproteins in

ID 81X4500131
Institution Universität Heidelberg
Project leader Maja Bencun
Site Heidelberg/Mannheim
Project type Kooperation mit Externen
Funding € 38.200,00
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.03.2026

Atrial cardiomyopathy subtype discrimination at a single cell resolution

ID 81X4500132
Institution Universität Heidelberg
Project leader Constanze Schmidt
Site Heidelberg/Mannheim
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Partner (SE006)
Funding € 13.980,19
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.08.2026

Studies on cognitive function, cerebral blood flow and the microstructure of cerebral vessels

ID 81X2100179
Institution Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (MDC)
Project leader Ralf Dechend
Site Berlin
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE226)
Funding € 27.500,00
Begin 01.08.2024
End 31.12.2025

Studies on the relationship between gut microbiome dysbiosis and adverse hemodynamic outcome after acute myocardial infarction

ID 81X4300132
Institution Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Universitätsmedizin
Project leader Thomas Meyer
Site Göttingen
Project type Kooperation mit Externen
Funding € 47.700,00
Begin 01.08.2024
End 31.01.2026

Studying Ca2+ handling and its role in arrhythmogenesis in a RYR2-deficient preclinical pig model

ID 81X4300135
Institution Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Project leader Niels Voigt
Site Göttingen
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE181)
Funding € 24.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2025