Project database

1693 - 1701 (out of 1701)
Last updated on 21.01.2025

The complex world of the RNA binding proteins RBPMS and RBPMS2 in cell type specific isoform heterogeneity

ID 81X2200321
Institution Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.
Project leader Thomas Braun
Site RheinMain
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Partner (SE152)
Funding € 24.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2026

The functional role of miR-144 in atrial arrhythmogenesis in a murine knockout model

ID 81X4300136
Institution Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Project leader Niels Voigt
Site Göttingen
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE181)
Funding € 24.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2025

TRP starter grant: Induction of tolerance to pig cardiac allo- and xenografts by thymic co-transplantation

ID 81X2600287
Institution Klinikum der Universität München
Project leader Sebastian Michel
Site München
Project type Translational Research Project
Funding € 140.000,00
Begin 01.09.2024
End 28.02.2026

Whole genome sequencing of DCM patients of the multi center, double blind study for mmunoadsorption with subsequent IgG substitution therapy (IA/IgG)

ID 81X4500137
Institution Universität Heidelberg
Project leader Jan Haas
Site Heidelberg/Mannheim
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE031)
Funding € 28.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2026

Functional characterization of upstream open reading frame (uORF)-encoded microproteins in cardiomyocytes

ID 81X2800228
Institution Universität Bayreuth
Project leader Janosch Hennig
Site Extern
Project type Kooperation mit Externen
Funding € 38.200,00
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.03.2026

Type 1 collagen is a novel RNA binding protein: uncovering the function of its interactions with RNA

ID 81X2400165
Institution Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Project leader Mohamed Ghait
Site Greifswald
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE213)
Funding € 38.356,40
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.08.2026

Causal impact of lipid-associated DNA methylation changes on cardiometabolic health

ID 81X2400167
Institution Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Project leader Alexander Teumer
Site Greifswald
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Anbieter (SE081)
Funding € 24.000,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 31.12.2025

CRIP1 association to vasoactive and atherogenic factors in CAD patients: A study from the DZHK Heart Bank

ID 81X1710116
Institution Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Project leader Olga Schweigert
Site Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck
Project type Daten- und Probennutzung
Funding € 40.002,57
Begin 01.09.2024
End 31.08.2025

Whole genome sequencing of DCM patients of the multi center, double blind study for immunoadsorption with subsequent IgG substitution therapy (IA/IgG)

ID 81X2400166
Institution Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Project leader Elke Hammer
Site Greifswald
Project type Shared Expertise (SE)
SE Trait SE-Partner (SE031)
Funding € 13.600,00
Begin 01.10.2024
End 30.09.2026