Development of miR-92a inhibitors for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Based on own preliminary works that show that miR-92a inhibitors can improve cardiac function after infarction, the safety and optimisation studies necessary for an application in human beings are to be carried out in the context of the application.

Development of miR-92a inhibitors for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

For this, the composition of the microRNA inhibitors is to be optimised and the necessary pharmacological and toxicological examinations are to be performed.

A first-in-men clinical study following the project showed that the developed inhibitor against microRNA-92a inhibits its target in humans in the blood. (press release: [First microRNA therapy for the heart works in humans](, 27.7.2020)

Project term
2015 - 2019
Granted budget
€ 2.457.576
acute coronary syndromes, peripheral arterial occlusive disease
Therapeutic Principle
Principal Investigator
Stefanie Dimmeler (Goethe University Frankfurt)