The module MRI is used to document analyzing parameters of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging examinations.
These examinations ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-K-06 .

Examination details

Was the MRI performed

  Fieldname: mrt_janein
  Data type: String with following options
    not assessed

Date of examination

  Fieldname: mrt_date
  Data type: Timestamp with day, month and year

Quality level

  • Level 1: The examination is performed in accordance with the guidelines of the medical associations.
  • Level 2: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP. Minimum requirements to ensure the quality of the implementation and the examiners are defined in the SOP.
  • Level 3: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP and certification of the examiners: Definition of intr-observer and interobserver-variability (standard of epidemiological studies).
DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
  Fieldname: mrt_qualitaet
  Data type: Integer with following options

Module left and right ventricular functional test

  • 1. Localiser in all 3 patient axes (transaxial, coronal, sagittal)
  • 2. Short axis scout
  • 3. Alignment and measurement of 2-chamber, 3-chamber, 4-chamber view, short axis stack, right ventricular 2-chamber view
  • Manual alignment is outlined below; however, automatic algorithms such as the three-point method can also be applied.

    DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014

    Cine 4-chamber view

    The 4-chamber view is aligned on the short axis localiser and also using the 2-chamber view, whereby it must be ensured that the alignment runs through the tip of the 2-chamber view and verified on the short axis localiser that the left ventricular outflow tract is not included on the image.

    DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014

    Diameter of the right ventricle

      Fieldname: mrt_4kamdiamrechven
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Diameter of the right atrium

      Fieldname: mrt_4kamdiamrechvor
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm


      Fieldname: mrt_4kammapse
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in mm


      Fieldname: mrt_4kamtapse
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in mm

    Maximum left atrial area

      Fieldname: mrt_4kammaxlinkvor
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in cm2

    Minimum left atrial area

      Fieldname: mrt_4kamminlinkvor
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in cm2

    Maximum length of the axis of the left atrium

      Fieldname: mrt_4kammaxachs
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Minimum length of the axis of the left atrium

      Fieldname: mrt_4kamminachs
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Cine 2-chamber view

    The 2-chamber view is aligned on the axial localiser through the centre of the mitral valve and the tip of the left ventricle.

    DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014

    Maximum left atrial area

      Fieldname: mrt_2kammaxvorh
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in cm2

    Minimum left atrial area

      Fieldname: mrt_2kamminvorh
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in cm2

    Maximum length of the axis of the left atrium

      Fieldname: mrt_2kammaxachs
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Minimum length of the axis of the left atrium

      Fieldname: mrt_2kamminachs
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Short-axis multislice cine

    The short axis stack is aligned in diastole. The first layer should be located inside the left atrium and the last layer outside the left ventricle. The short axis stack is aligned such that a connection between the AV grooves (white line) can be created at the height of the mitral and tricuspid valve. The remaining short axes cover the entire left and right ventricle up to the apex of the heart and are parallel to the initial short axis.

    DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014

    Basal septum

      Fieldname: mrt_multislicebassept
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in mm

    Basal lateral wall

      Fieldname: mrt_multislicebaslat
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in mm

    Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvedd
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVESD)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvesd
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mm

    Left ventricular ejection fraction (LV-EF)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvef
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in %

    Left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LV-EDVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvedvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LV-ESVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvesvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Left ventricular stroke volume index (LV-SVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvsvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Indexed left ventricular mass (LV mass/ body surface)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicelvmasse
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in g/m2

    Right ventricular ejektion fraction (RV-EF)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicervef
      Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in %

    Right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RV-EDVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicervedvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Right ventricular end-systolic volume index (RV-ESVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicervesvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Right ventricular stroke volume index (RV-SVI)

      Fieldname: mrt_multslicervsvi
      Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ml/m2

    Examination details (Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE))

  • Wait 10 minutes after injecting the contrast agent.
  • The contrast agent to be used (volume and type depending on relaxivity) are defined specifically for each study. The injection rate (flow rate) is also adjusted accordingly.
  • TI-Scout to determine the zero-crossing point of the signal of the healthy myocardium. Position the TI-Scout in the mid-ventricular short axis.
  • Recording of the late gadolinium enhancement images of all short axes, of the 2 left and right ventricular 2-chamber views, of the 3-chamber view and of the 4-chamber view (in doing so, the alignment should correspond to that of the functional test).
  • DZHK-SOP-K-06: Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging, Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014

    LGE in AHA 17-segment model infarction-typical

      Fieldname: mrt_lgeaha17
      Data type: String with following options
        not assessed